- Cinnaminson: (856) 829-8000
- Maple Shade: (856) 779-7900
- Marlton: (856) 452-5090
Funeral services and cemetery burials go hand in hand. After a funeral, it’s the expected final resting place, and really, the only choice. You might thing that cremation in Marlton, NJ goes with scattering services. In a way, it does because you certainly can scatter cremated remains after the cremation process is complete. However, there are a lot of other options to consider as well. Cremation opens the options for final resting places wide open. Scattering is a popular option, but you can also bury your loved one on private family ground, or even in the local cemetery, as you would after a funeral. Here are a few reasons why you might appreciate the burial option after cremation services.
With cremation, the remains are a lot more vulnerable, in a way, because they aren’t secured underground like remains after a funeral. You can scatter them, but then you don’t really know where they end up. You can keep them at home, but what if they get knocked over or a fire occurs? You can also bury them on family ground, but you might worry that someone else will buy the property someday and you would have to leave them behind. One way to give your loved one the safety and security you want for their remains is to bury their urn in the cemetery. They will be protected and safe there.
Many families have traditions around holidays, birthdays, and other such special times. But do they have a tradition when it comes to cemetery burials? They might and you may not even realize it. If you look back on final services your family has had for members before, do they always end in burial, even when cremation is included? Then that’s your answer. Your family’s tradition is to have burial done and that might be what you want to do in this case, too.
If you have family members buried in a certain cemetery in town already, you might want the same for your most recently deceased family member. That way, they can be close to other family and you can visit them all in that location. Even if there aren’t plots right next to each other, you can get them as close as you can and that can mean a lot to all of you.
If you want to honor your loved one in a permanent way, having a headstone in a cemetery is always a nice way to do so. You can do other things as well, but you at least know they have one permanent memorial there. It’s also a nice way of giving your family a place to visit. They know where they can go when they want to think of your loved one or bring flowers to honor them once again.
Lots of things are possible after cremation in Marlton, NJ, including a cemetery burial.